How A Highly Sensitive Person Can Become A Life Coach?
Being highly sensitive is not a bad thing but it is not always so good for a life coach. A life coach helps people to understand their goals, provide them proper guidance in achieving those goals, and encourage them by exposing the positive aspects of life in front of them. Therefore if you yourself are not able to cope up with your inverse situations, how you will teach others to keep cool and calm themselves in their hard timings. There are so many life coach training courses that teach you numerous self-care tricks so you can easily become a successful life coach.
Who is A Highly Sensitive Person?
A highly sensitive person is someone who experiences acute physical, mental, and emotional responses to internal ( such as own thoughts, emotions, and realizations etc) or external ( such as situations and people in the surroundings) stimuli. Highly sensitive people. He thinks more deeply, and easily overwhelmed by the hectic environments and crowded spaces. However, high sensitivity is a good trait and comes with a lot of benefits and strengths but in some cases, it leads to over exhaustion and overstimulation.
Many times a highly sensitive person needs to just withdraw and be alone. Several best life coach courses online state a number of traits a highly sensitive person possesses. These traits include High intelligence, High level of empathy and creativity. But there are some disadvantages too like being overwhelmed by loud sounds & bright lights and attracted by the subtle flavors, being stressed with too much business, pressure or complexity, etc.
Some times high sensitivity leads to depression, anxiety and develops chronic illness, autoimmune disorders, and allergies. Overstimulation is not conducive for great coaching as it shuts you down and forces you to become irritable. Therefore if you are willing to step into the career as a life coach, you should practice some quick and easy self-care tricks to develop your personal growth.
Let’s have a look at some self-care tips, essential for the success of a life coach.
- Fix a routine chart for your daily activities. Specify your sleep and food timings. Don’t skip your food. Take a sound sleep of 8 hours. Have some personal time approx 1 hour each day for yourself. It will help you to know your inside and improve your personal growth.
- Hire a highly sensitive person’s coach, that will help you to control your overstimulation and manage your stress. Your coach will go with you on your journey and make it too simple to deal with for you.
- Keep yourself in constant touch with your physician regarding your health issues and follow the medical prescription as per recommendations. It will help you to reduce fatigue, stress, anxiety and other common health issues you are facing.
- Don’t take too much workload. Deal with a certain number of clients daily. It will help you to concentrate on their issues and provide the best solution for them. Also, you will be able to find some personal time for your family and friends.
- Prefer potential coaching clients rather than those who are uncertain and confused regarding coaching. It will help you to prevent yourself from energy-draining people.
- Consider some highly sensitive persons to coach. It will help you to understand yourself in a different way and by helping them you will also find new ways to deal with your high sensitivity and its reasons.
- If you have some bad experiences in your past or your childhood, consult a psychiatrist to get rid of those memories.
- Try to find out something good in every bad situation. Replace the words nothing and never with at least and something.
- Discover the new in old things and appreciate more.
- If you are not comfortable among a huge crowd, consider working from home.
- Stay centered and open by developing a meaningful spiritual practice.
- Don’t think about your downsides. Rejoice your job and believe that you are doing the perfect job that justifies your capabilities and strength.
Personal coaching can be the best profession for a highly sensitive person if he knows to utilize his high intelligence, creativity, empathy, and strength productively. By considering some very simple tips you can turn your overstimulation into overproduction. Use your strength constructively manner and prove your matte as a good life coach.